16 September 2009


Last week Australian sound artist and writer Ros Bandt was in Auckland for a symposium on ElectroAcoustic music, held by The University of Auckland. Although we have had her book on Australian sound sculpture for a number of years, it was great to finally meet her.

After our chance encounter, she kindly left us with Stack, a CD of "original sonic explorations of a major new urban tower, an ephemeral acoustic space in the development of the City of Melbourne... Bandt brings to life the inner and outer sonic possibilities gleaned from the massive city stac, a 55-metre chimney designed to extract fumes from the new CityLink tunnel in the heart of Melbourne's underground." The resonant space recorded by Bandt was effectively lost when the tunnel was opened, silenced by traffic and the roar of extrator fans.

Many readers will recognise Stack's site as being alongside the infamous yellow peril, outside ACCA. From ABOVE, we can almost look right down the vent. STREET VIEW allows us to look back up at the exterior towering above us from the ground. And HERE you can drive right through the aforementioned tunnel. Nice!

Image: Ros Bandt records with the stack, photo by Arthur McDevitt.

14 September 2009

The Seat of Power

Although Moscow is home to his MAUSOLEUM, St Petersburg (formerly known as Leningrad) is naturally home to one of the world's many statues of Vladimir Lenin. One of Russia's most iconic MONUMENTS, it has become the butt of jokes after vandals added some rear ventilation to his coat earlier this year. Fortunately nobody was hurt in this latest incident. Curiously, it was April Fool's day when the event took place and found its way into the world media. The St Petersburg Times reports that a sarcophagus will be placed over the statue during its restoration, a bizarre fate for any bronze hero but something we would love to see images of.

Image found here

9 September 2009

Palaces of the Mind

We've passed by here before, but noticing Deborah Crowe's fabulous photo in this year's ever-so-controversial Trust Waikato National Contemporary Art Award, we thought we should offer a few new views of Kibble Palace, Glasgow: HERE, HERE and HERE.

In the online catalogue Crowe says: "Little did I know (25 years ago) that the place I felt at home was the Australasian section of Glasgow Botanic Gardens. My recent practice involves an interest in creating imaginary worlds; revisiting places, buildings and moments that have informed and cultivated a preoccupation with architectural structures and perceptions of spatial experience."

Image: Deborah Crowe, Kibble Palace, small world II, C-type photographic print on aluminium

8 September 2009

Missing marbles

Over on Over the Net there is a recent entry on New Zealand marble, the white marble of PIETRASANTA (18km south of CARRARA) and the new works being produced there.

Image: Marble blocks being quarried in the Pietrasanta mountains, found here.

3 September 2009

Guantanamo Allocation Center

[exhibition announcement]

"The 'existential function' of the act of creation leads to the affirmation and the creation of a territory, a group, a singularity, a meaning. But it is only possible to articulate the meaning of a situation in relation to an action undertaken to transform it. To situate oneself somewhere, to create a territory or new modes of subjectification and articulation, is both a political and an existential question. And this concerns social practices as much as artistic practices."

(Maurizio Lazzarato: Art and Work)

A Project in Public Private Partnership
Initiated by Christoph Faulhaber
Realised and Supported by Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg VENUE Hafencity Hamburg Shanghaiallee/Yokohamastr. 20457 Hamburg, Germany

Being one of the first municipalities throughout Europe, the state and city administration of Hamburg, Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg, has accredited the public private partnership 'Guantanamo Allocation Center'.

The Guantanamo Allocation Center is an initiative dedicated to the question of relocating the remaining detainees still in custody at the soon to be closed US MILITARY BASE. GAC focuses on the global process of allocation and relocation, and aims to provide accommodations in Germany that offer a process of re-socialization by providing and furnishing a temporary, and eventual, final home.

The project was kicked off by the German artist Christoph Faulhaber and has already teamed up with further both private and public institutions and corporations. With its first installment GAC sets out to laying the foundation for final decisions in the global process of relocating the remaining inmates.

The first installment, considered as temporary accommodation, consists of mobile units each giving room to one inmate. Four wooden crates match one 40 ft. high cube shipping container. The temporary lodging will be accompanied by a program of activities encompassing various aspects, topics and personalities from within the legislation and political process.

In order to realize the final installment, GAC has opted for a vacant lot, part of which was formerly the MAUERSTREIFEN, the military zone within the Berlin Wall. The design of the yet undeveloped 'final home' is oriented towards contemporary designs in architecture and urban planning, taking into account the special needs of the inhabitants.

Furthermore, GAC engages on consultations with international decision makers to preparing ground for the resettling of further inmates.Since GAC relies entirely on civic and individual engagement, we would very much acknowledge support and funding from any direction.

For more information please consult:

Guantanamo Allocation Center
Mr. Christoph Faulhaber

Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg
Senator Ms. Karin von Welck

HafenCity Hamburg GmbH
Ms. Penzlien

Special Envoy to Closing Guantanamo
Ambassador Mr. Daniel Fried

artfinder Gallery
Mathias Güntner

Image: Street art by Banksy, found here on the Prison Photography blog

1 September 2009

Motor City is crumbling

The industrial heart of Detroit has become a ghost town, according to a recent photo essay in Time Magazine (thanks SH). Images include the grand MICHIGAN CENTRAL STATION, derelict for more than 20 years; The FISHER BODY PLANT, producer of Buick and Cadillac bodies, abandoned in 1991 but still home to some floor sculpture; and what must be the grandest car park we've seen, the former MICHIGAN THEATRE within the MICHIGAN BUILDING, apparently built on the site Henry Ford built his first car.

Looking around, Henry seems to have his NAME written all over this town. THIS lot full of rusting iron frames is quite a sight. Heading west from the city you find the Ford plant, and nearby Zug Island and surrounds has some DRAMATIC AND INTRIGUING scenes. We wonder how life COMPARES across the river in Canada?

Image: Fisher Body Plant #21, Interior, including artwork by Scott Hocking. (Sean Hemmerle)


Art from Space is an exploration of art-related phenomena that manifests in interesting ways on Google’s aerial maps. It is also an experiment in curatorial practice; collecting, presenting and contextualising items in ways that users can explore, free of curator-imposed framing and sequencing. This blog is Art from Space’s developmental musings made public, where items are introduced to the project in real time, rather than awaiting the grand unveiling of a completed exhibition. Specific locations of interest are highlighted in CAPS and linked to a map for further exploration. Visit the mother ship HERE.
