29 October 2008

Signs in the key of life

We've been meaning for some time to bring the strange terrain of Las Vegas to Art From Space, but it appears the Art, Life, TV, Etc. blog has beaten us at our own game. Nevertheless, the Neon Museum Cheryl has provided COORDINATES for is quite a sight, even from this distance, and a welcome addition to the proverbial to-do list if we ever get there in the flesh. Even if we don't, this long-retired SKULL in the neon boneyard is an online treasure, as is the assortment of ALPHABET SOUP signage, lucky horse shoes, and the adjacent CARNIVAL.

Image: Andy Anderson, the Anderson dairy mascot, now in Fully Working Order

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Art from Space is an exploration of art-related phenomena that manifests in interesting ways on Google’s aerial maps. It is also an experiment in curatorial practice; collecting, presenting and contextualising items in ways that users can explore, free of curator-imposed framing and sequencing. This blog is Art from Space’s developmental musings made public, where items are introduced to the project in real time, rather than awaiting the grand unveiling of a completed exhibition. Specific locations of interest are highlighted in CAPS and linked to a map for further exploration. Visit the mother ship HERE.
